Wednesday, June 20, 2007

RHL Comes to Vulcan!

Set your phasers on "stunned" and put away your tricorders, this is not a test. After considering many proposals from other cities, the RHL has decided to expand to Vulcan, AB taking the place of the now defunct Washington Defiance.

How can a town of just over 1900 sustain an RHL franchise you ask?

"I don't know how but we have to have something other than the Trekker conventions to support this town." says GM Victor Khoo.

The old Ice Plex complex has gone under an extensive $20 renovation to paint some signs to convert it to the Seleya Ice Plex and will be located in the heart of the city.

Victor also added, "Don't ask me how the Seleya name came up. I had to Google it. Its supposed to be some Mountain on the Planet Vulcan. Everything from the name and logo of the team to the uniforms have been decided on by the community. When I saw the results I was like, 'Guys... come on. I thought we were going to move past this Star Trek theme.' They all threatened to use their Level 86 Cleric to cast some enchanted fireball that does +43 hitpoints damage. What the heck am I supposed to say to that? I'm beginning to think that I'm gonna lose my shirt on this investment. I'll give them one thing though... these people are passionate."

The official logo and uniforms will be released in the coming weeks and will be unveiled at the annual Star Trek convention later this month.


Steve said...

This is brilliant! Welcome to the league, looking forward to getting to know you and best of luck this season.

Steve - Baffin Island Rovers GM

Deven Stownie said...

Ummm... extensive 20 dollar renovations, lose the shirt off your back. Not to upset you, but you can buy shirts for 10 bucks these days. You are going to lose the shirt off your back and then that again!

Oh well, love the humour and the theme. I tried to bring a little death to RHL, so glad to see you bringing some life... nice rivalry shaping up... live long and prosper vs i take your soul and you die


Unknown said...

Awesome. Welcome to the RHL.

Steve said...

*scratches head* Thurston? Howell?

Vancouver Olympians said...

Welcome aboard! With yet another Alberta-based team, this was perfect timing to announce my relocation to BC. :)